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The most recent news on autonomous weapons around the world:
UN Secretary-General, President of International Committee of Red Cross Jointly Call for States to Establish New Prohibitions, Restrictions on Autonomous Weapon Systems
United Nations
Why the Pentagon’s ‘killer robots’ are spurring major concerns
The Hill | By Brad Dress
Philippines lobbies UN for rules on development, use of killer robots
BusinessMirror | By Malou Talosig-Bartolome
The Rise of Deadly ‘Slaughterbots’
Fliegende Roboterwaffen töten schon jetzt – und niemand kontrolliert sie
Spiegel | By Muriel Kalisch
Killerroboter: Suche nach Wegen zum Verbot
Tagesspiegel Background | By Steffen Stierle
Eye on A.I. | A view from A.I.’s biggest conference
Fortune | By Jeremy Kahn
Dutch position on autonomous weapons expected to change
NRC Handelsblad | By Floor Boon and Karel Berkhout
‘Slaughterbots’ are a step away from your neighborhood — and we need a ban
The Next Web | Thomas Macaulay
Is het wapen dat zelf bepaalt of het aanvalt nog te stoppen?
NRC | By Floor Boon and Karel Berkhout
Brussels Playbook: Foreign ministers meet — Ukraine in focus — Socialists in tight spot
Politico - Brussels Playbook | By Suzanne Lynch and Jakob Hanke Vela
Autonomous Weapons: a Threat to Humanity?
BBC Click
A dark view of the future of autonomous weapons
Axios | By Bryan Walsh
‘If Human, Kill’: Video Warns Of Need For Legal Controls On Killer Robots
Forbes | By David Hambling
Interview with Max Tegmark – “What happens when machines replace human interaction”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | by Von Alexander Armbruster
New German “Traffic Light Coalition” Ambivalent About Legally Binding Action on Autonomous Weapons
Thomas Küchenmeister, Mark Brakel, Marius Pletsch
AI researchers call upon new German government to back autonomous weapons treaty
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Israel and South Korea to boost collaboration on loitering munitions
DefenseNews | By Brian Kim
The Scientist and the A.I.-Assisted, Remote-Control Killing Machine
The New York Times
The Third Revolution in Warfare
The Atlantic | By Kai-Fu Lee
BBC Newsnight
The U.S. says humans will always be in control of AI weapons. But the age of autonomous war is already here.
The Washington Post | By Gerrit De Vynck
Israel used world’s first AI-guided combat drone swarm in Gaza attacks
NewScientist | By David Hambling
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Exist; They Must Be Banned
IEEE Spectrum | By Stuart Russell, Anthony Aguirre, Emilia Javorsky, Max Tegmark
Are You Scared Yet, Human?
BBC Panorama
ICRC position on autonomous weapon systems
International Committee of the Red Cross
UN Security Council: Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya
The UN Security Council
The terrifying development of AI warfare
The Spectator | By Andy Owen
Opposition to Lethal Autonomous Weapons Remains Strong: Survey
The Defense Post | By Inder Singh Bisht
Guidelines for military and non-military use of Artificial Intelligence
European Parliament
Air Force A.I. test raises concerns over killer robots
Fortune | By Jeremy Kahn
Robots Aren’t Better Soldiers than Humans
Human Rights Watch | By Mary Wareham
In the debate over autonomous weapons, it’s time to unlock the “black box” of AI
The Bulletin | By Arthur Holland Michel
‘Machines set loose to slaughter’: the dangerous rise of military AI
The Guardian | By Frank Pasquale
A Partial Ban on Autonomous Weapons Would Make Everyone Safer
Foreign Policy | By Zachary Kallenborn
An Enduring Impasse on Autonomous Weapons
Just Security | By Dustin Lewis
Autonomous Weapon Systems: Understanding and Operationalizing Human control
Modern Diplomacy | By Arun Teja Polcumpally
The Need for and Elements of a New Treaty on Fully Autonomous Weapons
Human Rights Watch | By Bonnie Docherty
U.S. Army’s New Drone Swarm May Be A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
Forbes | By David Hambling
Should Killer Drone Swarms Be Considered Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Popular Mechanics | Kyle Mizokami
Killer Robots Aren’t Regulated. Yet.
The New York Times | By
The robots are coming, the robots are coming
Quartz | By Justin Rohrlich
Artificial intelligence is changing every aspect of war
The Economist
Artificial intelligence and war
The Economist
Death by algorithm: the age of killer robots is closer than you think
Vox | By Kelsey Poper
Autonomous weapons that kill must be banned, insists UN chief
UN News
Nobel peace prizewinning doctors warn killer autonomous robots must be banned
The Times | By Rhys Blakely
Don’t Let Robots Pull the Trigger
Scientific American
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